Is SEO Dead? A Guide of What’s Alive in SEO and What Isn’t

Is SEO Dead A Guide of What’s Alive in SEO and What Isn’t

There is this question that has been going around for a while now when it comes to SEO and its trends. Is SEO dead? this is one question that a lot has been asking. The thing is, SEO is not dead. But what does dead mean? You definitely cannot kill something that is essential for the success of a website or something in general. SEO is not just an old-fashioned concept that could be killed easily. However, dead here is what I would like to refer to as the elimination of all the “bad methods” that are related to SEO.

SEO has simply evolved. Dead are the toxic methods of implementing the key strategies that people used to implement for their websites to rank. What are those methods? That is what we will discuss in this comprehensive guide. This guide is all about the involvement of keyword stuffing, buying cheap backlinks, and adding toxic backlinks to your backlinking strategy. Want to learn all about the right methods of SEO optimization? Delve deeper into this guide in order to learn more and understand how you can use SEO efficiently to rank higher in search engine result pages (SERPs).

What is Considered Dead in SEO?

Let me tell you in summary what we SEO specialists consider “dead.” You’ve probably heard of the demise of some strategies that people used to use to implement what they think of as an “effective” SEO strategy. There are a few tactics in SEO that are, without a doubt, dead and buried. First, let’s start with the horrible phenomenon that is called keyword stuffing.

Remember when cramming as many keywords as possible into a webpage was the way to rank? Yea, forget about that. Why? well, because search engines grew to be smarter and way enhanced than to fall for the strategy of keyword stuffing. Search engines reached the result that keyword stuffing can do more harm than good. If you implement such a strategy, you can hurt your chances of ranking greatly. So, what are the methods that work currently? Simply put, fresh and unique content with the right usage of keywords is what helps you rank. You can rank easily when you craft content that is relevant and answers for user queries easily.

Other Dead Methods That You Should Be Aware of

Next on our list of what’s dead in SEO is the method of creating “exact match domains.” You’ll ask me what those are; well, let me tell you. Remember in the early 2000s we used to see domains with names like “,” for example. Nowadays, instead of these domains assuring that you will rank, they are getting declined and kind of impossible to have. Why? Because Google cares more now about the value of your content than the exact words in your domain. So, is an exact match domain still useful? Sure, but it’s far from being your golden ticket to SEO success in today’s digital landscape.

Finally, let’s not forget outdated link-building schemes. Buying links is now something of the past as well. Do some people still use it though? Yes, they do; however, Google makes sure that they don’t do it for long. The newest algorithm updates are so strict with their penalties of using such schemes that they actually make sure to shut down any website that utilizes such a method. However, they are also providing these people with a good “clean” alternative. One that will allow them to earn natural and organic backlinks. It’s Google’s way of addressing you strictly and saying, “Bid farewell to sneaky shortcuts and embrace sustainable, long-term strategies.”

Tired of Cemeteries? Let’s go back to The Land of the Living!

What’s alive in SEO if all of these methods are dead and buried? Don’t fret; I have a good answer you need. SEO is still up and running, I promise. There are many exciting ways that you can use to come up with a successful SEO optimization strategy for your website. One of the most “alive” elements that will guarantee you to reach your SEO success rate that you wish for is content and it’s quality. How so? And why does content matter that much?

Let me tell you. Search engines, as I mentioned above, are getting way smarter than you think. Google’s algorithms now prioritize content that will provide people and search engine surfers with great value. So here’s something to check from your list. Valuable content? Check! It’s all about delivering relevant content that engages your visitors and helps them receive the information that they need and are on your webpage to have.

The Role of User Experience (UX) in Your SEO’s Success

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Another key player that can help you succeed greatly is user experience (UX). It is playing a great role in helping websites rank higher on SERPs. It’s all about how your website visitors will interact with your platform. Is your site loading with the speed that is needed? Or is it buffering to the extent of visitors actually getting frustrated enough that they leave without thinking of even reloading it? Ever wondered why some websites rank higher although they have content that is less than what you provide? Well, it’s because they have killer user experience. Ask yourself the following questions to determine if your website’s UX is actually okay or will it need some improvement.

  • Is your webpage loading with an exceptional speed?
  • Are your pages loading without any glitches?
  • Is your site easy to navigate?

These questions are vital for determining whether your user experience is okay or simply above the line of excellence. Because that is where Core Web Vitals come into play as an essential report that will show you how your web page is actually performing. It will provide you with key metrics that will allow you to have a glimpse of your website’s analytics and insights. ones that Google offers you in order to easily assess the performance of your page and identify areas for future improvement. And let’s not forget mobile-first indexing.

With more people using smartphones to browse in today’s advanced world, Google now prioritizes mobile-friendly sites. That is why you have to make sure that your website is actually optimized for mobile usage. Because if not, you’re missing out big time. Ask yourself, Does my website load quickly on mobile devices? Is your design responsive? If the answer is yes, then congratulations, your website is mobile-user friendly.

The Glorious Rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in SEO


Here’s a final thing for your consideration when it comes to what’s alive nowadays in SEO. AI is revolutionizing how we approach SEO. As a matter of fact, it is revolutionizing how we approach everything tech-related. AI is making SEO optimization smarter and more efficient than ever. AI-powered tools can analyze massive amounts of data to predict search trends, personalize content, and even enhance user experience. They’re helping marketers optimize sites more effectively than ever before.

Some key uses of AI in SEO include:

  • AI-Powered Tools for Optimization: Tools like Google’s RankBrain analyze user behavior to fine-tune search rankings, while platforms like SurferSEO help optimize content based on top-ranking competitors.
  • AI in Content Creation and Curation: AI tools such as Jasper and ChatGPT assist in generating SEO-friendly content, curating it based on user preferences, and improving its readability.

AI is here to stay, and that is a fact. Which makes SEO more intuitive and data-driven than ever!

Final Thoughts to Wrap It Up!

To wrap things up for you, let me summarize what we mentioned in this comprehensive guide. SEO is far from dead; it’s simply evolving each and every minute of our lives. and AI is at the forefront of this transformation. With AI-powered tools making optimization smarter and content creation easier, staying ahead in SEO is more about working with intelligent data and less about outdated tactics. The key is to embrace these changes and leverage their power to your advantage.

Want to supercharge your SEO with strategic link building? offers a seamless way to exchange high-quality backlinks and boost your rankings. Start leveraging modern SEO techniques and stay up-to-date with all that’s new with our platform.

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