Top Articles That Attract Backlinks the Most in 2024

In 2024, a lot of people may speak of backlinks and how beneficial it is for their websites and their exposure strategies. That is why we’re here to discuss what types of articles that you should focus on in order to attract the right type of backlinks and from which domains exactly. Let’s just discuss a quick overview of what are backlinks and why are they important for your website. Backlinks are links that you obtain from various websites that are related to your business niche.

The question is, why do we use backlinks? Well, we use them to enhance our exposure and let more people know of our website’s existence. Be careful though; this is a process that may cause you to have penalties on your website that Google issues.

Why? Well, like everything in life, backlinks have their own two sides. The dark one and the good one. How so? This is exactly what we will discuss and dive into this article to know. Understanding backlinking is one of the main steps that you should take in order to enhance your ranking and let more people or target audience get to know who you are. Delve deep into this with me and learn all about the topics that will help you attract the right amount of backlinks for your website.

Articles That Attract Backlinks: Leveraging The Power of Research and Case Studies

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Data-driven research and case studies are like backlink gold for content creators. Why? Because original data is valuable, people love linking to credible sources that offer fresh insights. When you publish research or showcase results from a real-life case study, it immediately boosts your authority and positions your content as a trusted reference.

That is because you’re literally providing others with the proof that you are capable of something specific. A lot of times I think of using a certain reference but I refrain at the end of the day as it is not proven that the information they are providing is actually verified or right. Speculations, surveys, and data percentages have to have some credibility in order for us to use them without the fear of misleading someone.

Take BuzzSumo, for example. Their study on content types that go viral has been cited in thousands of articles, blogs, and reports. The same goes for HubSpot’s annual marketing statistics, which are consistently linked across various industries.

So, how can you create your own data-driven content? Let me tell you the easiest way ever. You can start by identifying a knowledge gap in your field, then gather original data through surveys, experiments, or analysis of trends. Make sure your findings are easy to understand and present them with charts, graphs, and clear conclusions.

These infographics that people tend to ignore make all the difference in the world. They don’t only help people absorb your insights, but they also make your content more shareable. The result? You become the go-to source, and the backlinks start rolling in smoothly and in a way that will boost your website like none you’ve ever seen!

Articles That Attract Backlinks: Comprehensive Guides and “How-To” Articles

Comprehensive guides and “how-to” articles are the rock stars of backlink-worthy content. They are simply some of the top articles that attract backlinks easily. Why? Because in-depth, evergreen content never goes out of style. When you create a detailed, long-form guide, you’re offering real value that others want to link to, reference, and share. Details make your articles ones that are of great value. A source of information that is more reliable than anything else others have seen.

Think about it this way, people love clear, actionable steps they can follow to solve problems or learn something new. How many times have you visited a wiki-how website to understand how to do something? Ever asked yourself, Why is that? Well, because they offer detailed step-by-step guides that allow you to understand and all there is to understand and learn about that specific thing you wanted to learn about. A well-structured guide not only keeps readers engaged but positions you as an expert in your field, making your content an irresistible linkable asset.

Step-by-step guides, in particular, are like treasure maps for readers. When your content provides a clear path from problem to solution, it naturally attracts backlinks from others looking to offer valuable resources. The key is crafting long-form content that goes deep, covering every angle so thoroughly that it becomes a go-to resource. By creating this kind of high-value, evergreen content, you’re not just filling up space—you’re building a solid foundation for long-term SEO success.

Listicles: Curated Value in a Digestible Format; Simple is Key to Success


Listicles are like the snackable content we can’t resist. They are easy to digest, yet packed with value. Ever wondered why “Top 10” or “Best of” lists seem to attract so much attention and backlinks? It’s because they offer information in a concise, reader-friendly format that’s perfect for scanning and sharing. People love lists because they promise quick insights, and let’s face it, in a world where attention spans are short, that’s a big win.

We all love bullet points and how they organize the way information is displayed. Making it easy for the eyes of readers to simply read and follow the steps that are given. Speaking of bullet points, let me give you some that will help you understand what I am stating.

How do I structure a listicle to be both informative and shareable?

Here are a few tips in “bullet points”:

  • Start with a catchy title: Something like “Top 10 Marketing Hacks You Need to Know” instantly grabs attention. That is because it is straightforward with what the article has to offer.
  • Use subheadings for each item: This makes it easy for readers to scan and find what interests them. Additionally, it makes it simple to access a certain part that they found informative.
  • Offer actionable insights: Each point should provide real value. I know you will say, of course, any content should do so. However, some content writers seem to love stuffing and quantity over quality. Don’t be like them, as this won’t do anything but actually fill your article with empty words.

What kind of listicle topics consistently perform well? Think about evergreen content that people are always searching for, such as:

  • “Top 10 SEO Tips for 2024”
  • “Best Tools for Content Creators”
  • “10 Ways to Boost Your Productivity”

Other Types of Articles That Attract Backlinks: Opinion Pieces and Expert Roundups

Opinion pieces and expert roundups are other fantastic strategies for attracting backlinks, but how exactly do they work? Well, leveraging expert insights not only adds credibility to your content but also signals authority to both readers and search engines. Imagine publishing an article that includes quotes from top industry experts—this immediately makes your content more trustworthy, right? Plus, experts often share the articles they’re featured in, boosting your chances of gaining backlinks.

Why do opinion pieces encourage engagement and linking? People love sharing strong, well-articulated opinions—whether they agree or not! Opinionated content sparks discussion, encouraging readers to link back to your article as a reference point in their own content.

What about expert interviews or roundups? These are your Fabergé backlink golden eggs. When you feature multiple experts in one piece, each of those contributors is likely to share your article with their audience. If you do the math, you’ll find that this means that you will drive both traffic and links at the same time. Expert roundups also create valuable, resource-rich content that other sites love to link to for credibility. It’s a win-win!

Original Thought Leadership Content: What Do I Mean By That?

Leadership Content

Let me tell you simply what original thought leadership content is. Original thought leadership content is like the secret for attracting high-quality backlinks. But what exactly does that mean? It’s all about coming up with or crafting unique, forward-thinking content. This content should not only follow trends but set them as well. Have a fresh perspective or an innovative idea? Don’t be shy to share it. The more thought-provoking your article is, the more likely it will catch the attention of other sites looking to link to insightful, authoritative content. Remember, fresh and unique content is always wanted. As a matter of fact, it is always needed to break the market’s repetitiveness.

How do you build that authority? Start with well-researched articles that provide real value and challenge conventional thinking. Position yourself as an expert in your field. Why will people link to your content? Because innovation sparks curiosity, and believe me, it is curiosity that drives engagement. A great deal of it, as I may emphasize.

People naturally want to share and reference ideas that stand out. This is the main way that you’ll take in order to attract those organic backlinks. So, the next time you’re writing, ask yourself, Am I saying something new? Am I presenting something fresh that offers a different and needed perspective? If the answer is yes, you’re on the right path to creating content that earns backlinks and builds your reputation as a leader in your industry. Easy, right?

Final Thoughts!

As I mentioned above, the process of obtaining backlinks is one that is easy. I’ll admit that you’ll have to work on your website before thinking of it; however, you should be able to obtain backlinks through focusing on your content and how you form it. Content strategies are of the essence. As a content writer, I can tell you that publishing content spontaneously is all fun and games; however, you have to at some point create for yourself a strategy that will allow you to publish content that is as valuable, fresh, unique, and informative as ever.

With such a strategy, you will find that your website is gaining more backlinks than you’ve ever had. Which will increase the amount of visitors for your website and increase your chances of ranking higher on search engines. For more link-building strategies and benefits, take a look at This is the top link exchange platform that will help you understand all there is to learn and understand about the following services: link exchange, link insertion, guest posting, and author posting. Check it out now and don’t miss the chance of boosting your backlinks.

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